Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Are our efforts having an effect?

Just want to reach out there to see what everyone else has been seeing. Over the past two weeks, we have definitely seen a reduction in the number of break-ins and received only a few reports of glass piles or windowless vehicles. We can expect a rise when the police coverage eases up a bit, but we would love to see what other people are seeing in the meantime.

Squarehead Picked Up

We just received word that Darren Jones aka Squarehead was picked up in the early morning hours today. We encourage everyone interested/effected to put in a call or letter to the D.A. to voice our support for Squarehead (and other known career criminals) to be held as long as legally possible when they are arrested.

Charles J. Hynes,
District Attorney
321 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York NY 10007

Monday, August 18, 2008

Greater Crimes in Our Area

Thanks to James for alerting me of the following:

According to The Gothamist, there was a triple shooting in the early hours this morning.

I'm searching for more details and will post them as soon as they become available.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Police Activity on the Rise

Between my personal experience and what I've heard from others, the Police have really increased their coverage of the area.

A few signs:
  • A lot more police patrols (cars and scooters)
  • Over the past three days, I've seen the Police offer rides to two people walking home alone at night.
  • I overheard two plain clothes officers discussing their increased shifts in DUMBO while in Starbucks.
  • While walking around at night (in one case back and forth past the same area because I forgot my walled on the way to the store), the Police came out of nowhere and asked me where I was going and why I kept passing the same lane of parked cars.
Just secondary signs, but they're good signs. Let's keep watch.

Everyone, Stay Safe

Post from Watch Member: Reporting All Crimes

"As a resident of Vinegar Hill who's been concerned with increased crime in the area, I applaud the efforts of Dumbo Patrol and its participating neighbors. I think that one of the most helpful tactics is the coordination of information, so that we can see what is truly an ongoing problem and not a series of isolated incidents. The nature of crime has become more aggressive than just car break-ins. There are reports of an armed robbery on Hudson Ave. (possibly connected to a similar incident in Brooklyn Heights), bicycle thieves dressing in "police-like" blue uniforms while committing the act, and a mugging at 6:30 AM on a Sunday morning – all in the last week.

I'd like to stress the importance of reporting any and all crimes to NYPD. No matter how pointless it might seem at the time, it needs to go on the books. Otherwise, to the NYPD it never happened and neighborhood is doing just fine. We have to remember to involve the most effective resource that is already in place and better-equipped, legally and logistically, to accomplish what we all want. I don't intend to diminish the efforts of Dumbo Patrol and I encourage everyone to share their incidents and information within this forum, but I think everyone must file a report FIRST before taking any other action.

Additionally, if a responding officer or 911 operator discourages you from filling a report or sending help, be sure to note their badge or operator number and submit a complaint with the 84th Precinct, specifically Capt. Abel. He has been extremely helpful, concerned and attentive in all my personal dealings.

Lastly, every police officer I've come across has encouraged me to use 911 if someone looks suspicious or troublesome. Chances are your instincts are correct, and many police officers view us as the eyes and ears to their enforcement.

Thanks for your concern, efforts and actions!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Citizens on Patrol

Welcome to Dumbo / Vinegar Hill Patrol. We're glad you made it here. I'm a resident of Dumbo. I love the area and lately I and many I've spoken too have felt incredibly frustrated that suddenly, we feel unsafe in this otherwise incredible neighborhood. I'm sure that if you're here you feel similar and I hope that together, we can do something. So far, I've had a lot of help and seen a lot of willingness to do something about this situation. The major source of the problem (the Projects) aren't going anywhere, so WE have to be the ones to alter the course.

We've set up this blogsite to use as an ongoing base for discussions and action-seeding regarding the crime state in our area, especially the recent spree of car break-ins. I encourage anyone to submit any information they may have about the break-ins (including photos, details, etc.) as well as share ideas about how to improve the situation. Ideas are in the works (community meetings, data collection for the police, getting funding for a camera network, etc.) and we'll need every bit of support we can get.

We've been talking with the Police (through the Precinct) and have found them very aware of the situation and very willing to help. One of our hopes is that through our collective ideas and alerted watch, we can impact these criminal events and that through our numbers and collective information, we can help support the efforts of the 84th Precinct and enable them with extra eyes and good, consolidated information.

We're getting a good amount of news coverage so far. See the side bar for news posts and please let me know of any others. Supposedly, this news coverage has already gotten the attention of the 84th Precinct.

We've been sharing/collecting information on as many break-ins as I can, and started a compiling the information into an area "SmashMap" in order to give all an idea of the more dangerous zones in the area and again, make the breadth of the situation as clear as possible for the Police. Please check out the SmashMap on the sidebar and let me know if you or someone you know has had a break-in, so I can add it.

I can be personally reached at for more information or if you'd like to post on a particular topic.

Let us know. Let the owners know (not on the windshiled, word-of-mouth) about his effort. Give them this address or my email.

Of course, we have more serious crimes (muggings, attacks, etc.) that have occurred recently and all are encouraged to share info on those crimes too.

Thanks to all for the already overwhelming interest and response. Let's show these neighborhood scum that we're not going to sit idly by and be their playground. Let's show the Police that we demand action and can help enable them to get these guys off the street. I dub thee all, Citizens on Patrol.